"The Family" is the story of the Manzonis, a notorious mafia family who gets relocated to Normandy, France under the witness protection program. While they do their best to fit in, old habits die hard and they soon find themselves handling things the "family" way.
Some call it organized crime. Others call it family.
"The Family" is the story of the Manzonis, a notorious mafia family who gets relocated to Normandy, France under the witness protection program. While they do their best to fit in, old habits die hard and they soon find themselves handling things the "family" way.
Some call it organized crime. Others call it family.
Movie details The Family
Release : 2013-09-13Genre : Action, Comedy, Crime
Runtime : 111 minutes
Company :
Robert De Niro | as | Fred Blake / Giovanni Manzoni | |
Michelle Pfeiffer | as | Maggie Blake | |
Tommy Lee Jones | as | Robert Stansfield | |
Dianna Agron | as | Bella Blake | |
John D'Leo | as | Warren Blake | |
Ricardo Cordero | as | Philly | |
Gino Cafarelli | as | BBQ guest #2 | |
Dominic Chianese | as | Don Mimino | |
David Belle | as | ||
Domenik Lombardozzi | as | Mimmo | |
Vincent Pastore | as | Fat Willy | |
Joseph Perrino | as | Joey | |
Paul Borghese | as | Albert | |
Greg Antonacci | as | NY Mobster | |
Jimmy Palumbo | as | DiCicco | |
Kresh Novakovic | as | Vincenze | |
Oisin Stack | as | Henri |
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